How do I manage Valet Mode with Phone As A Key™*?

You can enable, disable, and provide your temporary valet passcode using your SYNC®** screen. Use the steps below for more information. 

Notes: This temporary code is good as long as your vehicle remains in Valet Mode. Once the mode is exited, the passcode is voided, returning your vehicle to its normal operation.


To use Valet  Mode with Phone As A Key, you must: 

Using Valet Mode With Phone As A Key 

Select one of the options below for steps on how to turn on, turn off, or provide your passcode to a valet attendant. 

Turning on Valet Mode with a Phone As A Key Device

To enable valet mode using Phone As A Key:

  1. Select your Vehicle image on the SYNC screen.
  2. Press Controls.
  3. Select Valet Mode.

    Note: Your vehicle will check for either a key fob or a Phone As A Key device.

    • If a Phone As A Key device is found, it will generate and send the temporary valet code to that device via Bluetooth®
    • If a key fob is found, you will be instructed to create a four-digit PIN. Once entered, press Done

Valet Mode is now enabled and the temporary valet passcode will remain on the screen for the current ignition cycle. 

Turning on Valet Mode with a Backup Start Passcode

To enable valet mode using a Backup Start Passcode:

  1. Select your Vehicle image on the SYNC screen.
  2. Press Controls.
  3. Select Valet Mode.

    Note: Your vehicle will check for either a key fob or a Phone As A Key device.

    • If a key fob is found, you will be instructed to create a four-digit PIN. Once entered, press Done
    • If no Phone As A Key device is found, you will be prompted to enter your Backup Start Passcode

Once your Backup Start Passcode is confirmed, a temporary passcode will display on SYNC with instructions on how to use it.

Note: The temporary passcode will remain displayed on your SYNC screen for the current ignition cycle.

Providing Your Passcode to Valet

Inform your valet attendant to do the following:

  1. Enter the first five digits of the temporary code on the door keypad to unlock the vehicle.
  2. Type the passcode on the SYNC screen.

    Note: Once the full eight-digit passcode is entered, SYNC will display that the password was accepted.

  3. Press the brake and Push to Start button to start the vehicle.

Important: If you provide your key fob to the valet attendant, advise them to avoid pressing the Exit Valet Mode button. If selected, the passcode will become void and return your SYNC screen to its normal functionality. 

Turning off Valet Mode

To disable valet mode, press Exit Valet Mode on the SYNC screen.

  • If a Phone As A Key device is detected, Valet Mode will be disabled.
  • If the system does not detect a valid Phone As A Key, it will prompt them to enter their Backup Start Passcode. Once validated, Valet Mode will be disabled.

If you experience any issues, contact a Guide for additional assistance using the Account > Help in FordPass.

Información Adicional

¿Cómo configuro Phone As A Key? 
How to make a backup passcode?

*Available on select vehicles. Requiere activación de la característica. No compatible con todos los teléfonos móviles.

**No conduzcas si estás distraído o mientras usas dispositivos portátiles. Usa sistemas operados por voz cuando sea posible.  Es posible que algunas características estén desactivadas cuando el vehículo está en marcha. No todas las características son compatibles con todos los teléfonos. 

FordPass® App, compatible with select smartphone platforms, is available via a download. Se pueden aplicar tarifas por mensajes de texto y datos. 

††FordPass® Connect, the FordPass App, and complimentary Connected Service are required for remote features (see los Términos de FordPass ​​​​​​ para obtener detalles). Los servicios conectados y las características dependen de la disponibilidad de la red de AT&T compatible. La tecnología que evoluciona/red móvil/capacidad del vehículo pueden limitar la funcionalidad e impedir el funcionamiento de las características conectadas. Connected service excludes Wi-Fi® hotspot.