¿Cómo planifico mi viaje para que incluya la opción Remolcar y Transportar?

How do I plan my trip to include the Tow and Haul* option?

Enable the Tow and Haul option in Power My Trip to factor your trailer into your journey in the FordPass®** App. Ensure your trailer is set up prior to adding the option to your trip. Visita el Trailer Checklist topic for additional setup guidance. 

Important: The Power My Trip feature is currently not available on FordPass 5.X. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Enable the Tow and Haul Option in FordPass 4.X

Confirm your version of FordPass, and take the following steps:

  1. Abre la Aplicación FordPass.
  2. Navigate to the Home landing page.
  3. Select the Map tab.
  4. Tap the Trip Planner icon.
  5. Select Create New Trip Plan.

    Note: After selecting the address of your destination, you will be directed back to the Map where your trip destination is now pinned. For the full list of steps, visit the How to Create a Trip Plan topic.

  6. Tap the Settings icon or the Towing: OFF button.
  7. On the next screen, select the Tow & Haul option. 
  8. Choose your trailer and additional towing options. 
  9. Tap OK to save your input. 
  10. Select Save Options after making your edits. 
  11. Tap Save Trip Plan to save your trip. 

*Disponible en ciertos vehículos. 

**FordPass® App, compatible with select smartphone platforms, is available through a download. Se pueden aplicar tarifas por mensajes de texto y datos.