What is the Ford warranty on hybrid and electric vehicles?

Ford Motor Company offers warranty coverage for components unique to hybrid and electric vehicles, including the high voltage battery, found to be defective in factory-supplied materials or workmanship. This coverage lasts for 8 years or 100,000 miles from the Fecha de Inicio de la Garantía, whichever occurs first.

Concesionarios Ford are in the best position to diagnose your concern and see if the repair is covered by a warranty.

Consulta tu Guía de Garantía on the Ford website for additional information.

Important: The High Voltage Battery is not covered if it is damaged due to improper vehicle storage.   ​Manual del Propietario​ for required storage procedures necessary to protect the high voltage battery.

Información Adicional

¿Qué significa no estar cubierto por la garantía?
¿Mi vehículo tiene garantía?