¿Por qué la base de carga inalámbrica en mi Ford no carga mi teléfono?

La carga inalámbrica Qi es una norma mundial que la usan muchas compañías de smartphone. Not all phones support this method of charging.

If your phone is not compatible with Qi wireless charging, you may experience the following issues while using the wireless charging pad in your vehicle:

  • There is an error message stating the phone has been mispositioned (when the phone is not mispositioned).
  • The charging pad is inoperative. 
  • The charging pad is charging slowly. 
  • The phone charging icon in the center of the SYNC®* screen is not showing. 

Refer to your smartphone's Owner's Manual to see if it meets the Qi wireless charging standard. 

  • If it is not Qi-compatible, you can still use a Puerto USB with a USB cable to charge your phone.

    Note: Some smartphones require a case that acts as an adapter to work with wireless charging.

  • If it is Qi-compatible, does not require an adapter, and you are still experiencing these symptoms, bring your vehicle to your preferred Concesionario Ford for diagnosis.

Información Adicional

How do I use the wireless charging pad?

*No conduzcas si estás distraído. Usa sistemas operados por voz cuando sea posible; no uses dispositivos portátiles mientras conduces. Es posible que algunas características estén desactivadas cuando el vehículo está en marcha. No todas las características son compatibles con todos los teléfonos.