How can I request a Vehicle Identification Number Decode Letter for my Ford?

Contact our Customer Relationship Center at 1-800-392-3673 or select our Live Chat option to request a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Decode Letter for 1946-1966 model-year vehicles. 


  • When contacting the Customer Relationship Center, have your VIN and Door Tag codes (if available)
  • Most older VINs will be 11 digits long; some could be 10 digits (e.g., Thunderbird) and some Canadian VINs could be 13 to 15 digits. 

There are other options to receive VIN-specific information if your vehicle is not a 1946-1966 model-year vehicle.

2007 to currentYou can request a duplicate window sticker.
1967-2017You can request a Inventario de Partes e Instalación.
1945 and olderConsulta our Ford Historical Information article.

Downloading a VIN Guide

To download a VIN guide, visit the Ford Pro website and choose a year.

Información Adicional

¿Cómo puedo solicitar una Hoja de Datos Técnicos?
What is the Safety Compliance Certification Label?
¿Dónde puedo encontrar mi VIN?