¿Cómo me comunico con un Guía FordPass?

You can get in touch with a Guide using your FordPass®* App or by calling the support line. FordPass Guides are available: 
Monday – Saturday | 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. EST | Sunday - Closed.

Contacting Help in the FordPass App

For more details on how to contact a Guide for support, confirm your version of FordPass, and select your FordPass App version from the drop-down options below for steps. 

To contact support in the FordPass App:

  1. Ingresa a la Aplicación FordPass.
  2. Go to the Account screen.
  3. Select one of following options:
    • Call Help
    • Chat**

Calling the Support Line:

If you cannot access the FordPass App, call 1-800-336-0486 for support.

More FordPass Information

For more detailed information on FordPass features and functions, visit our FordPass support page and browse by your preferred topic.

Popular FordPass Support Categories

Información Adicional

How do I activate my vehicle?
How do I use the remote start feature in FordPass?
¿Dónde puedo obtener un Manual del Propietario?

*La Aplicación FordPass®, compatible con ciertas plataformas para smartphone, está disponible para descargar. Se pueden aplicar tarifas por mensajes de texto y datos. 

**This feature is only available for iOS users, as the function utilizes Apple Message for Business.