How do I use Ford Pro Trailer Backup Assist?
Watch the videos below to learn how to set up your vehicle, take measurements, place the target sticker, and input information into the system in order to use Pro Trailer Backup Assist™*.
To back up a trailer, turn the Trailer Backup knob left or right, and the trailer steers in that direction.
Important: The system relies on your measurements to determine sticker placement and system limits. It is critical that you take the key measurements correctly. Incorrect measurements can result in the improper function of the system up to and including contact between the vehicle and trailer.
Cómo configurar Pro Trailer Backup Assist
Si el sistema de tu vehículo tiene una varilla:
- Find a place to put the entire sticker within the green zone and between 4 inches (10 centimeters) and 19 inches (48 centimeters) from the trailer ball hitch.
- Make sure no hardware will obstruct the view from the camera to the sticker (e.g., jack handle, wiring, etc.).
- Find a location that is flat, dry, clean, and horizontal.
- Place the sticker when temperatures are above 32°F (0°C).
- You can then calibrate your trailer in an open area where you can freely turn left and right, like a parking lot, by following the instructions on the touchscreen.
If your system comes with a yaw rate sensor, refer to the installation instructions included in the kit.
To use Pro Trailer Backup Assist, press the center button of the Pro Trailer Backup Assist knob and a list of available trailers will appear, or you can add a new trailer by pressing the center button on the Pro Trailer Backup button to the right of your steering wheel, selecting Add Trailer and following the prompts.
Note: You will still be in control of the accelerator and brakes.
Usar Pro Trailer Backup Assist
- With the truck in Park (P), push the center Pro Trailer button and select the connected trailer from the list, then shift into Reverse (R) to activate.
- Follow the prompts displayed on the information screen.
- With your hands off of the steering wheel, use the Pro Trailer Backup Assist knob to steer the trailer.
- A white line will appear on-screen, representing the amount the trailer will turn based on knob input.
- A black line shows you where your trailer is in relation to your vehicle.
- Once the trailer is moving in the direction you want, release the knob. You may need to make small adjustments with the knob to keep the trailer moving along the desired path.
- As long as the knob is either released or turned back to the center position, the vehicle will follow the trailer’s path.
Available Trailer Reverse Guidance
If equipped, shift into Reverse (R) and press the camera button to expand the menu options
- Press the Trailer Reverse Guidance icon
- You will see the camera view on the side where your trailer is moving, or both sides when the trailer is directly behind you. Aparecerá una línea blanca en la pantalla, para ofrecerte una proyección hacia dónde irá el remolque en base a la posición actual del volante.
There are multiple camera views to choose from, which you can switch manually at any time by using the arrow keys.
- Trailer Reverse Guidance View: Shows a view of the sides of your truck and your trailer
- Auto Mode: Changes views with the trailer direction (default)
- 360-Degree Camera: Shows the rear camera view on the left side of the screen and the 360-degree view on the right side of the screen
- Rear-View Camera: Shows what is behind your vehicle
- Rear Split-View Camera: Shows a 180-degree view of the area behind your vehicle
- Bed Camera: Shows the truck bed; also helpful when connecting a 5th-wheel or gooseneck trailer
- Trailer Auxilary Camera: Shows a rear view image of what is behind your trailer (camera purchased and installed separately)
*La característica está disponible en ciertos vehículos. Las características pueden variar según el año del modelo, la versión, las opciones, los paquetes y la disponibilidad de suministros. Usa la herramienta Diseña y Cotiza para consultar la disponibilidad de la característica en los modelos actuales. Si tienes preguntas o necesitas más información, consulta tu Manual del Propietario o comunícate con tu Concesionario Ford. Las características de asistencia para el conductor son complementarias y no reemplazan la atención, el juicio del conductor ni la necesidad de controlar el vehículo. Consulta tu Manual del Propietario para conocer los detalles y las limitaciones.