Ford Bronco SUV Front Stabilizer Bar Disconnection

For enhanced mobility off road, you may want to disconnect your Bronco SUV’s front stabilizer bar — standard and only available for First Edition and Badlands trims. When you do this, you instantly increase your front wheels' ability to articulate while taking on challenging uneven terrains.

How to Disconnect the Bronco Stabilizer Bar

When you're ready to take on a challenging trail, disconnect the stabilizer bar by pressing the button - included with the Off-Road Hero Switch Pack - on the instrument panel. When your vehicle is moving at below 20 mph (32 km/h), the bar will automatically disconnect, and the amber bar will illuminate.

When your Bronco SUV exceeds 20 mph (32 km/h), the bar will reconnect, and a gray bar will illuminate to indicate that the system is in standby mode. It will disconnect when your Bronco SUV once again dips below the speed threshold.

Switch the system off by pressing the stabilizer bar disconnect button. The stabilizer bar disconnect system will also turn off when:

  • The engine is switched off
  • The driver switches out of 4WD High or 4WD Low
  • The driver selects a drive mode that does not allow the stabilizer bar to disconnect

Is the Bronco Stabilizer Disconnection Automatic?

No, it isn't, except if you are using Rock Crawl drive mode when available. Furthermore, the stabilizer bar disconnect feature is not available in certain G.O.A.T. Modes (Goes Over Any Type of Terrain). For information specific to your Bronco SUV, see your Manual del Propietario.