How do I replace the battery in the key fob for my Ford?

For instructions on how to replace the coin-type three-volt lithium battery in your key fob, refer to your ​Manual del Propietario​ under Keys and Remote Control.


  • Replacing the battery does not erase the programmed key from the vehicle. 
  • Do not wipe off any grease on the battery terminals or on the back surface of the circuit board.
  • Refer to local regulations when disposing of batteries.

If you need assistance, take all your keys to your Concesionario Ford.

Información Adicional

Where can I find my keyless entry code?
¿Cómo programo un código personal del teclado de entrada sin llave?
¿Cómo obtengo una llave de reemplazo?
How do I find the backup slot for the key?
How do I use the mechanical key blade?