How do I remote start my Ford vehicle?

You can remote start* your vehicle using your key fob, the FordPass®** App, or smartwatch after activating your FordPass® Connectmodem.


  • Only use remote start when your vehicle is outside in a well-ventilated area.
  • You can disable or enable remote start through the information display. 
  • Check your local and state laws for any restrictions on remote start systems.

Remote Start Requirements

Before you begin, ensure the following conditions are met:

How to Remote Start

For more details on how to remote start your vehicle, select one of the drop-down options below for more details. 

Using FordPass

  1. Log in to FordPass.
  2. Go to the Vehicle screen.
    • Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) Vehicles and Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) - Slide the Start toggle to the far right of your screen. The request will load and your vehicle status will change. Once your vehicle is on, the expected run time will appear.
    • Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) - Tap the Fan icon. Your vehicle's preconditioning will begin. The request will load and your vehicle status will change. Once your vehicle is on, the expected run time will appear.

If you experience any issues, contact a Guide using the Account > Contact Help options in FordPass. 

Using Your Key Fob

  1. Press the Lock button on your key fob to lock all the doors.
  2. Press the Remote Start button (2X) twice. Steps must be done within 3 seconds.
    • The exterior lamps will flash twice and the vehicle will start.
    • For some vehicles, a light on your remote will let you know if your start was successful.
    • The horn will sound if the system fails to start unless Quiet Start is on. Quiet Start runs the blower fan at a slower speed to reduce noise. You can switch it on or off in the information display.
    • Las ventanas eléctricas no funcionarán durante el arranque remoto y la radio no se encenderá automáticamente.
    • The parking lamps will remain on, and the vehicle will run for five, ten, or fifteen minutes, depending on the setting.

Using Your Smartwatch

  1. Open FordPass on your watch screen.
  2. Select your vehicle.
  3. Access the remote command screen. 
    • Apple® Watch users - Scroll down to the second screen.
    • Android smartwatch users - Scroll left to the second screen.

For Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) Vehicles and Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs):

  • Slide the start toggle to the right to start your vehicle.
  • Slide the start toggle to the left to stop your vehicle.

For Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs):

  • Tap the fan icon to start your vehicle.
  • Ensure your screen says "Stop" and tap the fan icon to stop your vehicle.

Once the command is successful, the icon will turn blue.

If you experience any issues, contact a Guide using the Account > Contact Help path in FordPass. 

How can I personalize the remote start duration?

After remote starting, your vehicle can run for five, ten, or fifteen minutes before shutting off. This duration is configurable in your vehicle settings.

To configure your run duration, review the Extend Remote Start steps.

What if the remote start does not work?

Información Adicional

Are there other ways to start my vehicle?
How do I schedule a remote start?
What should I do if my activation is pending?
¿Por qué mi vehículo Ford ingresa en modo de Suspensión Total?
How do I stop a remote start request in FordPass?

*Automatic transmission only.

**La Aplicación FordPass®, compatible con algunas plataformas para smartphone, está disponible para descargar. Se pueden aplicar tarifas por mensajes de texto y datos.

FordPass® Connect, the FordPass App, and complimentary Connected Service are required for remote features (see los Términos de FordPass ​​​​​​ para obtener detalles). Los servicios conectados y las características dependen de la disponibilidad de la red de AT&T compatible. La tecnología que evoluciona/red móvil/capacidad del vehículo pueden limitar la funcionalidad e impedir el funcionamiento de las características conectadas. Connected service excludes Wi-Fi® hotspot.

††No conduzcas si estás distraído o mientras usas dispositivos portátiles. Usa sistemas operados por voz cuando sea posible. Es posible que algunas características estén desactivadas cuando el vehículo está en marcha. No todas las características son compatibles con todos los teléfonos.

Apple es una marca comercial de Apple Inc., registrada en los EE. UU. y otros países.

Android es marca registrada de Google LLC.