How do I maintain my gas or diesel Ford vehicle?

Carefully following the maintenance schedule in your Manual del Propietario helps protect against major repair expenses resulting from neglect or inadequate maintenance, and may help to increase the value of your vehicle when you sell or trade it. Keep all receipts for completed maintenance with your vehicle.

It is important that you have have your vehicle serviced at the proper times. These intervals serve two purposes:

  • Maintain the reliability of your vehicle.
  • Keep the cost of owning your vehicle down.

Failure to perform scheduled maintenance and regularly inspect your vehicle may result in vehicle damage not covered by the Garantía Limitada (V. Nuevos) o Plan de Servicio Extendido Ford Protect.

Monthly Maintenance Checklist

Every month, check the following:

  • Funcionamiento de todas las luces interiores y exteriores
  • Uso y desgaste de los neumáticos
  • Presión de los neumáticos
  • Nivel del aceite del motor
  • Nivel del líquido del limpiaparabrisas

Maintenance Basics

  • Change your oil. Many newer-model vehicles come equipped with an Intelligent Oil-LIfe Monitor that determines when you should change the engine oil based on how your vehicle is used. Esto significa que no es necesario que recuerdes cambiar el aceite según un programa basado en el millaje. Your vehicle lets you know when an oil change is due by displaying a message in the information display. Pay close attention to your Manual del Propietario to ensure that oil changes are done before any damage can occur. An oil and filter change is one of the most important types of maintenance. 
  • Rota los neumáticos. Hazlo cada vez que cambies el aceite. Esto ayuda a que el desgaste sea parejo.
  • Mantén los neumáticos balanceados y las ruedas alineadas. If you notice that your vehicle pulls to one side while you are driving, it may be a sign that you need an alignment.
  • Drive smart. Avoid fast stops, speeding, and weaving through traffic. 

Inspección de Múltiples Puntos

This service evaluates your vehicle's fluid levels, key system, and component status, tire tread depth and wear patterns, brake pad thickness, and battery life. Inspeccionar tu vehículo permite que el técnico identifique cualquier problema y te recomiende el servicio adecuado. Contact your local Concesionario Ford to schedule an appointment.

For more information about recommended maintenance, refer to your Manual del Propietario under "Scheduled Maintenance."