How do I edit or delete Preferred Charge Times for my electric vehicle in FordPass®*?

You can erase or make changes to your saved Preferred Charge Times in FordPass by following the steps below.

Editing or Deleting Preferred Charge Times

Confirm your FordPass App experience and select from the options below.

Edit or Delete Preferred Charge Times in FordPass 5.X

To edit or delete Preferred Charge Times:

  1. Ingresa a la Aplicación FordPass.
  2. Select Energy.
  3. Tap on Preferred Charge Times. Your charge times will display by location (only if you have set your Target Charge).
  4. Select the location your want to modify or delete.
  5. Perform any of the following:
    • Tap Starts to edit the start time.
    • Select Ends to edit the end time.
    • Tap Repeat to switch between Weekdays and Weekends.
    • Select Save once your changes are complete.
    • Tap Delete to erase the Preferred Charge Time entirely.

Edit Preferred Charge Times in FordPass 4.X

To edit Preferred Charge Times:

  1. Abre la Aplicación FordPass.
  2. Navigate to the Vehicle landing page.
  3. Select the CHARGING header. 
  4. Tap the Preferred Times tile.
  5. Tap Begin Setup.
  6. Select one of the following tabs:
    • Lugares guardados
    • Lugares anteriores
  7. Tap the charge location you want to edit. 
  8. Apply your changes to either of the following:
    • Nombre del lugar
    • Max Charge level (use the slider)
    • Weekdays/Weekends
    • Horarios de carga preferidos
      • Set your own time
      • Use recommended times 
  9. Select Save

Delete Preferred Charge Times in FordPass 4.X

To delete Preferred Charge Times:

  1. Abre la Aplicación FordPass.
  2. Navigate to the Vehicle landing page.
  3. Select the CHARGING header. 
  4. Tap the Preferred Times tile.
  5. Tap Begin Setup.
  6. Select one of the following tabs:
    • Lugares guardados
    • Lugares anteriores
  7. Tap the location you want to delete.
  8. Select Delete Location

Información Adicional 

How do I add preferred charge times?

*FordPass App, compatible with select smartphone platforms, is available through a download. Se pueden aplicar tarifas por mensajes de texto y datos.